Authors |
Reznik Galina Aleksandrovna, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, head of sub-department of marketing
and economics, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (Penza, 28 G. Titova str.),
Malyshev Aleksey Alekseevich, Candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer, sub-department of marketing and economics, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (Penza, 28 G. Titova str.),
Abstract |
The article describes methodological approaches to research of the factors influencing stability of the ecological-economic system of a region. The authors reveal the principles and substantiate the factors of the external and internal environment influencing stability of the ecological-economic system, such as: geographical location, environment, demographic situation, innovations, investments, ecologization of production, tradition of ecological culture. The ecological-economic system is considered as a complex of four subsystems (economic, ecological, social, institutional). Stability of each of subsystem of the ecological-economic system is also analyzed. The researchers have modified the methodological approach to research of stability of ecological-economic system by inclusion of an institutional subsystem in the analysis of its functioning.
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